

603 products

glassybabyenchanted Sale price$125.00
glassybabyetched fizz - bride Sale price$90.00
glassybabyetched fizz - groom Sale price$90.00
glassybabyetched fizz - Mr. Sale price$90.00
glassybabyetched fizz - Mrs. Sale price$90.00
green hand-blown glass votive candle holder upside down with "skipper" etched into the bottom
glassybabyEtching: bottom Sale price$15.00
white hand-blown glass votive candle holder displaying "your etching here" across the front
glassybabyEtching: front Sale price$15.00
evensong hand-blown green, blue and brown glass votive candle holder.evensong hand-blown green, blue and brown glass votive candle holder lit with a red flame on an outdoor mantle.
glassybabyevensong Sale price$60.00
glassybabyevenstar Sale price$90.00
glassybabyevergreen Sale price$60.00
glassybabyeverlasting Sale price$60.00
evie tea lights warm flameless rechargeable tea lights one evie tea light warm flameless rechargeable tea lights  with remote.
Eviesevie tealights - warm Sale price$75.00
glassybabyexpress yourself Sale price$60.00
glassybabyexquisite Sale price$125.00
glassybabyeye of the storm Sale price$200.00
fabulous, shimmering layered pink hand-blown glass votive candle fabulous, pink textured hand-blown glass votive candle holders on a dining room table.
glassybabyfabulous Sale price$125.00
glassybabyfaith Sale price$60.00
glassybabyfaith bloomette Sale price$90.00
glassybabyfalling up Sale price$120.00
glassybabyfamily hour Sale price$75.00
glassybabyfearless Sale price$60.00
glassybabyfelt bag Sale price$8.00
glassybabyfertile Sale price$60.00
glassybabyfestival of lights Sale price$125.00
glassybabyfirework Sale price$90.00
fizz drinker, clear white hand-blown drinking glass.fizz drinkers, white hand-blown drinking glasses with mama drinkers on a sun deck, all filled with liquid and orange peel.
glassybabyfizz Sale price$75.00
glassybabyflawless Sale price$60.00
glassybabyflourish Sale price$275.00
glassybabyfor keeps Sale price$90.00
glassybabyforest walk Sale price$125.00
forever deep navy blue hand-blown glass votive candle holdertwo forever deep navy blue hand-blown glass votive candle holders lit on a square acrylic babystand.
glassybabyforever Sale price$60.00
forever young blue hand-blown glass votive candle holder.forever young, blue lit with a warm glowing flame on a wooden side table with an orchid bloom and mirror hanging behind. Hand-blown glass votive candle holder.
glassybabyforever young Sale price$60.00
'forged' orange and white hand-blown glass candle holder'forged' orange and white hand-blown glass candle holder on metal table
glassybabyforged Sale price$125.00
glassybabyfortitude Sale price$60.00
glassybabyfour paws Sale price$60.00
glassybabyfree bird Sale price$90.00
fresh start lime green hand-blown glass candle holderfresh start lime green hand-blown glass candle holder on wood desk
glassybabyfresh start Sale price$90.00
friday night, white topped with a blue, green, yellow confetti frit. hand-blown glass votive candle holder.friday night blue green topped hand-blown glass votive candle holder, on a windowsill looking over a green yard.
glassybabyfriday night Sale price$90.00
friendship hand-blown soft yellow with brown banding glass votive candle holder.three friendship, hand-blown soft yellow with brown and purple banding glass votive candle holders on a wedding dining table with vased daisies and beach wood.
glassybabyfriendship Sale price$60.00
glassybabyfrog hunting Sale price$60.00
from this day forward set, true white off white, cherish white, hand-blown glass votive candle holdersfrom this day forward set, true white off white, cherish white, hand-blown glass votive candle holders in front of a gift box and greenery.
glassybabyfrom this day forward Sale price$120.00
fruit punch drinker, transparent raspberry, hand-blown drinking glass.fruit punch drinker, transparent raspberry, hand-blown drinking glass toasting a fizz drinker.
glassybabyfruit punch Sale price$75.00
glassybabyfruit punch rocker Sale price$75.00
glassybabyfruitcake Sale price$90.00
glassybabygalentine Sale price$90.00
glassybabygather close Sale price$125.00
glassybabygathering Sale price$125.00
gem transparent green, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.gem transparent green, hand-blown glass votive candle holder on white mantle with white background.
glassybabygem Sale price$60.00
gentle wings set, angel white yellow and comfort a warm nude, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.gentle wings set, angel and comfort hand-blown pale yellow set of two, hand-blown glass votive candle holders on a white wicker chair.
glassybabygentle wings Sale price$120.00
glassybabygin fizz Sale price$75.00
delivery van with bow on top


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