

603 products

glassybabyivy winter Sale price$75.00
glassybabyivy winter rocker Sale price$75.00
glassybabyjack-o-lantern Sale price$90.00
glassybabyjade rocker Sale price$75.00
jane's caramel, caramel brown and purple gradient, hand-blown glass votive candle holderseveral jane's caramel, caramel brown and purple gradient, hand-blown glass votive candle holders, one on a baby stand on a black and white marble kitchen countertop with a mirror on the background wall.
glassybabyjane's caramel Sale price$60.00
glassybabyjourney Sale price$125.00
glassybabyjoy Sale price$60.00
glassybabyKansas Sale price$90.00
glassybabyKansas drinker Sale price$90.00
glassybabyKansas rocker Sale price$90.00
glassybabykeep cool Sale price$60.00
glassybabykeepsake Sale price$90.00
glassybabykentucky water Sale price$75.00
glassybabykindfull Sale price$125.00
kindness soft cream hand-blown glass votive candle holder.kindness soft cream hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a wood surface with white background and plant.
glassybabykindness Sale price$60.00
glassybabykiss Sale price$125.00
lady purple bubble, hand-blown glass votive candle holderlady purple bubble, hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a circular marble living room table.
glassybabylady Sale price$90.00
glassybabylamb Sale price$60.00
lavender hand-blown glass votive candle holder.lavender hand-blown glass votive candle holder. Paired with daisy and lamb.
glassybabylavender Sale price$60.00
glassybabylemon drop Sale price$60.00
glassybabylemonade Sale price$75.00
glassybabyleprechaun Sale price$60.00
glassybabylifeguard Sale price$60.00
glassybabylifesaver Sale price$125.00
glassybabylilac Sale price$60.00
glassybabylittle bear Sale price$60.00
little boy blue, soft blue hand-blown glass votive candle holder.little boy blue, soft blue hand-blown glass votive candle holder with white in background.
glassybabylittle boy blue Sale price$60.00
little girl pink, soft pink hand-blown glass votive candle holder.little girl pink, soft pink hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a marble countertop.
glassybabylittle girl pink Sale price$60.00
living color hand-blown multicolored swirl, hand-blown glass votive candle holdermulti-colored blue, brown, yellow, red, purple, green swirl hand-blown glass votive candle holder sitting on a reflective table outside.
glassybabyliving color Sale price$90.00
glassybabylollypop Sale price$60.00
glassybabylooking up Sale price$60.00
Louisiana State, white with sandblasted Louisiana State University etching hand painted in purple, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.
glassybabyLouisiana State Sale price$90.00
glassybabyLouisiana State drinker Sale price$90.00
glassybabyLouisiana State rocker Sale price$90.00
love brick red hand-blown glass votive candle brick red hand-blown glass votive candle holder. Paired with everlasting and amore on a coffee table with books and a dog in the background.
glassybabylove Sale price$60.00
love potion #8 is a deep purple hand-blown drinking glass with a bubble potion #8, a deep purple hand-blown drinking glass with a bubble pattern, sitting on white surface in sunlight.
glassybabylove potion #8 Sale price$90.00
Loyola Marymount glassybaby, red hand-blown glass votive candle holder with LMU logo hand-etched in white.
glassybabyLoyola Marymount Sale price$90.00
glassybabylucky Sale price$60.00
glassybabylucky green Sale price$75.00
glassybabylucky penny Sale price$125.00
glassybabyluxury Sale price$60.00
hand-blown glass flowerswoman holding hand-blown glass flowers
hand-blown glass flowerswoman holding hand-blown glass flowers
hand-blown glass flowerswoman holding hand-blown glass flowers
hand-blown glass flowerswoman holding hand-blown glass flowers
hand-blown glass flowerswoman holding hand-blown glass flowers
hand-blown glass flowerswoman holding hand-blown glass flowers
magnetic teal and white petal textured, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.magnetic teal and white petal textured, hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a white table with a chair and blanket in background.
glassybabymagnetic Sale price$90.00
magnificent green and gold tones cover a white base, hand-blown glass candle holder. magnificent green and gold tones cover a white base, hand-blown glass candle holder.
glassybabymagnificent Sale price$90.00
delivery van with bow on top


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