
shop by color code
Color: white

50 products

Color: white
'together again' multi-color (blue, purple, brown, light blue) hand-blown glass candle holder'together again' multi-color (blue, purple, brown, light blue) hand-blown glass candle holder cream background
glassybabytogether again Sale price$125.00
magnificent green and gold tones cover a white base, hand-blown glass candle holder. magnificent green and gold tones cover a white base, hand-blown glass candle holder.
glassybabymagnificent Sale price$90.00
'secret garden' green with white specs hand-blown glass candle holder'secret garden' green with white specs hand-blown glass candle holder on wood table.
glassybabysecret garden Sale price$125.00
classical,  multi-colored blue marble hand-blown glass votive candle holderclassical, multi-colored blue marble hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a reflective marble kitchen counter.
glassybabyclassical Sale price$90.00
to the moon light grey and white, hand-blown glass votive candle the moon light grey and white, hand-blown glass votive candle holder on dark surface with a starry night background.
glassybabyto the moon Sale price$90.00
'forged' orange and white hand-blown glass candle holder'forged' orange and white hand-blown glass candle holder on metal table
glassybabyforged Sale price$125.00
friendship hand-blown soft yellow with brown banding glass votive candle holder.three friendship, hand-blown soft yellow with brown and purple banding glass votive candle holders on a wedding dining table with vased daisies and beach wood.
glassybabyfriendship Sale price$60.00
grace golden topped white hand-blown glass votive candle holdergrace golden topped white hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a white table in the sun with drinking glasses and flowers in background.
glassybabygrace Sale price$90.00
soul iridescent golden white hand-blown glass votive candle holder.soul iridescent golden white hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a table with gem.
glassybabysoul Sale price$90.00
awesome ain't easy sandy yellow hand-blown glass votive candle holder.awesome ain't easy sandy yellow hand-blown glass votive candle holder with living color on a tile kitchen counter.
glassybaby"awesome ain't easy" Sale price$60.00
gentle wings set, angel white yellow and comfort a warm nude, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.gentle wings set, angel and comfort hand-blown pale yellow set of two, hand-blown glass votive candle holders on a white wicker chair.
glassybabygentle wings Sale price$120.00
comfort light brown hand-blown glass votive candle holdercomfort light brown hand-blown glass votive candle holder. Paired with hide and seek on a wood table.
glassybabycomfort Sale price$60.00
hugs opaque off white hand-blown glass votive candle holderhugs opaque off white hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a table with a white ceramic vase.
glassybabyhugs Sale price$60.00
remember soft white hand-blown glass votive candle holderremember soft white hand-blown glass votive candle holder. Paired with dream and cherish.
glassybabyremember Sale price$60.00
cherish soft white hand-blown glass votive candle holder.cherish soft white hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a gray nightstand with a vase and mirror.
glassybabycherish Sale price$60.00
embrace white with petal, hand-blown glass votive candle holders.two embrace white with petal, hand-blown glass votive candle holders on a table overlooking the sunset.
glassybabyembrace Sale price$90.00
become one, set of 2 white handblown glass votive candle holders, yes and embrace.become one set on a glass table with flowers, next to a bowed box and hand written card.
glassybabybecome one Sale price$180.00
celebrate snow white hand-blown glass votive candle holdercelebrate, snow white hand-blown glass votive candle holder on dark reflective wood table.
glassybabycelebrate Sale price$60.00
dream clear white, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.large grouping of dream and cherish.  white hand-blown glass votive candle holders on a wood table.
glassybabydream Sale price$60.00
yes white unique bubble pattern hand-blown glass votive candle holder yes white unique bubble pattern hand-blown glass votive candle holder with whiskey on a dark wood table.
glassybabyyes Sale price$90.00
sunday brunchsunday brunch pink topped hand-blown glass votive candle holder, on a windowsill looking over a green yard.
glassybabysunday brunch Sale price$90.00
saturday red and orange frit topped white hand-blown glass votive candle holder.saturday warn yellow orange topped hand-blown glass votive candle holder, on a windowsill looking over a green yard.
glassybabysaturday Sale price$90.00
friday night, white topped with a blue, green, yellow confetti frit. hand-blown glass votive candle holder.friday night blue green topped hand-blown glass votive candle holder, on a windowsill looking over a green yard.
glassybabyfriday night Sale price$90.00
home blue green metallic on white, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.home blue green metallic on white, hand-blown glass votive candle holder. Paired with silver lining and mother earth on a wood table.
glassybabyhome Sale price$90.00
second act, blue, white, green hand blown votive candle holdertwo second act hand-blown glass votive candle holders made from recycled glass from 43 colors, out a backyard patio table.
glassybabysecond act Sale price$125.00
above the clouds, teal and silver, hand-blown glass votive candle holderabove the clouds, teal and silver, hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a light outdoor surface.
glassybabyabove the clouds Sale price$90.00
magnetic teal and white petal textured, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.magnetic teal and white petal textured, hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a white table with a chair and blanket in background.
glassybabymagnetic Sale price$90.00
petal, white with pink petals emerging from the bottom, hand-blown glass votive candle holderpetal, white with pink petals emerging from the bottom, hand-blown glass votive candle holder in a ceramic platter with a vase.
glassybabypetal Sale price$90.00
your love, bright pink on white, hand-blown glass votive candle holderyour love bright pink with white hand-blown glass votive candle holder
glassybabyyour love Sale price$90.00
glassybabynest Sale price$60.00
true white, opaque pinky white, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.true white, opaque pinky white, hand-blown glass votive candle holder. Paired with dream on a metal chair sitting next to an orchid on a gray chair.
glassybabytrue white Sale price$60.00
hope pure white hand-blown glass votive candle holderhope pure white hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a light coffee table with brown dog in the background.
glassybabyhope Sale price$60.00
unconditional, white with yellow stripe, hand-blown glass votive candle holderunconditional, white with yellow stripe, hand-blown glass votive candle holder. Paired with bff and angel on an outdoor wood table with flowers and a cake tray.
glassybabyunconditional Sale price$60.00
angel light yellow, hand-blown glass votive candle holderangel light yellow, hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a wood table with cushion and plant blurred in background.
glassybabyangel Sale price$60.00
glassybabyfaith Sale price$60.00
kindness soft cream hand-blown glass votive candle holder.kindness soft cream hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a wood surface with white background and plant.
glassybabykindness Sale price$60.00
buttercup, yellow petals on white, hand-blown glass votive candle holders.buttercup, yellow petals on white, hand-blown glass votive candle holders on a wood table with fresh daffodil flowers.
glassybabybuttercup Sale price$90.00
living color hand-blown multicolored swirl, hand-blown glass votive candle holdermulti-colored blue, brown, yellow, red, purple, green swirl hand-blown glass votive candle holder sitting on a reflective table outside.
glassybabyliving color Sale price$90.00
Idaho, white with sandblasted University of Idaho logo etching hand painted in gold, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.
glassybabyIdaho Sale price$90.00
Texas Christian, white with sandblasted Texas Christian University etching hand painted in purple, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.
glassybabyTexas Christian Sale price$90.00
Louisiana State, white with sandblasted Louisiana State University etching hand painted in purple, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.
glassybabyLouisiana State Sale price$90.00
glassybabyUtah Sale price$90.00
glassybabyMontana Sale price$90.00
glassybabyVirginia Tech Sale price$90.00
Alabama, etched University of Alabama college logo on a white hand-blown glass candle holder.Alabama, etched University of Alabama college logo on a white hand-blown glass candle holder sitting on a white table with a courage and four paws glassybaby.
glassybabyAlabama Sale price$90.00
Arkansas,  white with sandblasted University of Arkansas etching hand painted in dark red, hand-blown glass votive candle holder
glassybabyArkansas Sale price$90.00
Clemson, white with sandblasted Clemson University logo etching hand painted in orange, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.
glassybabyClemson Sale price$90.00

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