
shop by color code

142 products

fresh start lime green hand-blown glass candle holderfresh start lime green hand-blown glass candle holder on wood desk
glassybabyfresh start Sale price$90.00
clover transparent light green hand-blown glass votive candle holderthree clover, transparent light green hand-blown glass votive candle holders on a dining room table with a large vase of flowers and diningware.
glassybabyclover Sale price$60.00
gem transparent green, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.gem transparent green, hand-blown glass votive candle holder on white mantle with white background.
glassybabygem Sale price$60.00
magnificent green and gold tones cover a white base, hand-blown glass candle holder. magnificent green and gold tones cover a white base, hand-blown glass candle holder.
glassybabymagnificent Sale price$90.00
new fern light green hand-blown glass votive candle holderbaby light green opaque, soul iridescent translucent, bud pale green opaque, gem green transparent, hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a kitchen sink windowsill with lucky, emerald, imagine and hidden moss.
glassybabybaby Sale price$60.00
hidden moss, pear green, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.hidden moss, pear green, hand-blown glass votive candle holder next to bowl of steaming contents and mossy birdhouse.
glassybabyhidden moss Sale price$60.00
alive again vibrant green, hand-blown glass votive candle holderalive again vibrant green, hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a wicker table next to lilies.
glassybabyalive again Sale price$60.00
emerald is green a hand-blown glass votive candle holder.emerald is green a hand-blown glass votive candle holder on light wood shelf.
glassybabyemerald Sale price$60.00
'secret garden' green with white specs hand-blown glass candle holder'secret garden' green with white specs hand-blown glass candle holder on wood table.
glassybabysecret garden Sale price$125.00
evensong hand-blown green, blue and brown glass votive candle holder.evensong hand-blown green, blue and brown glass votive candle holder lit with a red flame on an outdoor mantle.
glassybabyevensong Sale price$60.00
boho olive green bubble hand-blown glass votive candle holderboho olive green bubble hand-blown glass votive candle holder with a lit match above to light its tealight.
glassybabyboho Sale price$90.00
glassybabywingman Sale price$60.00
thank you mint green hand-blown glass votive candle holderthank you mint green hand-blown glass votive candle holder on light wood table with pink and blue flower plants in background.
glassybabythank you Sale price$60.00
mother earth white with metallic green blue top, hand-blown glass votive candle holderseveral mother earth white with metallic green blue top, hand-blown glass votive candle holders on a light wood table outside.
glassybabymother earth Sale price$90.00
under the sea, blue green luster hand-blown glass votive candle holderunder the sea, blue green luster hand-blown glass votive candle holder with a tealight lit inside, and the flame peaking through the translucency. Placed on a light wood coffee table.
glassybabyunder the sea Sale price$125.00
gratitude, translucent teal green with silver luster, hand-blown glass votive candle holder. three gratitude, textured translucent teal green with silver luster, hand-blown glass votive candle holder on white shelf.
glassybabygratitude Sale price$90.00
strength teal green hand-blown glass votive candle holderstrength teal green hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a wood coffee table with gray couch in background.
glassybabystrength Sale price$60.00
'son' blue hand-blown glass candle holder lit 'son' blue hand-blown glass candle holder on black book. Green plant in black pot behind it.
glassybabyson Sale price$60.00
begin again light teal, hand-blown glass votive candle holderbegin again light teal, hand-blown glass votive candle holder sitting in sunlight on wood perch with a body of water and boat blurred in background.
glassybabybegin again Sale price$60.00
blue with transparent specs hand-blown glass candle holderblue with transparent specs hand-blown glass candle holders on glass stand on dinner table with people drinking
glassybabyopen window Sale price$125.00
classical,  multi-colored blue marble hand-blown glass votive candle holderclassical, multi-colored blue marble hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a reflective marble kitchen counter.
glassybabyclassical Sale price$90.00
heavenly, blue green swirl, hand-blown glass votive candle holderheavenly, blue green swirl, hand-blown glass votive candle holder
glassybabyheavenly Sale price$125.00
glassybabyluxury Sale price$60.00
brother smokey gray hand-blown glass votive candle smokey gray hand-blown glass votive candle holder next to elephant on a glassybaby shelf.
glassybabybrother Sale price$60.00
to the moon light grey and white, hand-blown glass votive candle the moon light grey and white, hand-blown glass votive candle holder on dark surface with a starry night background.
glassybabyto the moon Sale price$90.00
'forged' orange and white hand-blown glass candle holder'forged' orange and white hand-blown glass candle holder on metal table
glassybabyforged Sale price$125.00
shine hand-blown bright orange glass votive candle holdershine hand-blown bright orange glass votive candle holder with aquamarine and cabo on an acrylic stand sitting in the sun.
glassybabyshine Sale price$60.00
horoscope purple orange, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.three horoscope purple orange, hand-blown glass votive candle holders on wood table with bookshelf behind.
glassybabyhoroscope Sale price$90.00
diva metallic gold on deep pink hand-blown glass votive candle holderdiva metallic gold on deep pink hand-blown glass votive candle holder. Paired with grace on kitchen table with coffee mugs blurred behind.
glassybabydiva Sale price$90.00
whiskey, transparent light amber, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.whiskey, transparent light amber, hand-blown glass votive candle holder. Paired with hide and seek and gather close on a marble surface.
glassybabywhiskey Sale price$60.00
hero multi brown hand-blown glass votive candle holderthree hero multi brown hand-blown glass votive candle holders on a wood surface in front of gray and white wallpaper.
glassybabyhero Sale price$60.00
dad translucent dark brown hand-blown glass votive candle holderdad translucent dark brown hand-blown glass votive candle holder on marble living room table next to decorative bowl.
glassybabydad Sale price$60.00
jane's caramel, caramel brown and purple gradient, hand-blown glass votive candle holderseveral jane's caramel, caramel brown and purple gradient, hand-blown glass votive candle holders, one on a baby stand on a black and white marble kitchen countertop with a mirror on the background wall.
glassybabyjane's caramel Sale price$60.00
stay gold amber topped with gold, hand-blown glass votive candle holderstay gold amber topped with gold, hand-blown glass votive candle holder atop a rustic wood table with blue pattern chair behind.
glassybabystay gold Sale price$90.00
deepbreath smokey grey, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.deepbreath smokey grey, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.
glassybabydeep breath Sale price$60.00
wet dog, two toned brown, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.wet dog, two toned brown, hand-blown glass votive candle holder. Paired with cashmere and olive branch on a cream mantle.
glassybabywet dog Sale price$60.00
friendship hand-blown soft yellow with brown banding glass votive candle holder.three friendship, hand-blown soft yellow with brown and purple banding glass votive candle holders on a wedding dining table with vased daisies and beach wood.
glassybabyfriendship Sale price$60.00
grace golden topped white hand-blown glass votive candle holdergrace golden topped white hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a white table in the sun with drinking glasses and flowers in background.
glassybabygrace Sale price$90.00
soul iridescent golden white hand-blown glass votive candle holder.soul iridescent golden white hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a table with gem.
glassybabysoul Sale price$90.00
awesome ain't easy sandy yellow hand-blown glass votive candle holder.awesome ain't easy sandy yellow hand-blown glass votive candle holder with living color on a tile kitchen counter.
glassybaby"awesome ain't easy" Sale price$60.00
gentle wings set, angel white yellow and comfort a warm nude, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.gentle wings set, angel and comfort hand-blown pale yellow set of two, hand-blown glass votive candle holders on a white wicker chair.
glassybabygentle wings Sale price$120.00
comfort light brown hand-blown glass votive candle holdercomfort light brown hand-blown glass votive candle holder. Paired with hide and seek on a wood table.
glassybabycomfort Sale price$60.00
hugs opaque off white hand-blown glass votive candle holderhugs opaque off white hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a table with a white ceramic vase.
glassybabyhugs Sale price$60.00
hide and seek autumn tone hand-blown glass votive candle holder.hide and seek autumn tone hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a white marble with creme brulee.
glassybabyhide & seek Sale price$60.00
beyond the stars multicolor translucent, hand-blown glass votive candle holderbeyond the stars multicolor translucent, hand-blown glass votive candle holder. lit on glass stand.
glassybabybeyond the stars Sale price$90.00
remember soft white hand-blown glass votive candle holderremember soft white hand-blown glass votive candle holder. Paired with dream and cherish.
glassybabyremember Sale price$60.00
cherish soft white hand-blown glass votive candle holder.cherish soft white hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a gray nightstand with a vase and mirror.
glassybabycherish Sale price$60.00

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