in-stock candle holders


224 products

little boy blue, soft blue hand-blown glass votive candle holder.little boy blue, soft blue hand-blown glass votive candle holder with white in background.
glassybabylittle boy blue Sale price$60.00
embrace white with petal, hand-blown glass votive candle holders.two embrace white with petal, hand-blown glass votive candle holders on a table overlooking the sunset.
glassybabyembrace Sale price$90.00
dawn star blue glitter, hand-blown glass votive candle holderdawn star blue glitter, hand-blown glass votive candle holder sitting on a cream surface with a yellow coffee table book behind.
glassybabydawn star Sale price$90.00
dad translucent dark brown hand-blown glass votive candle holderdad translucent dark brown hand-blown glass votive candle holder on marble living room table next to decorative bowl.
glassybabydad Sale price$60.00
glassybabyhappy birthday Sale price$60.00
smooch deep pink hand-blown glass votive candle holder.smooch deep pink hand-blown glass votive candle holder.
glassybabysmooch Sale price$60.00
hugs opaque off white hand-blown glass votive candle holderhugs opaque off white hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a table with a white ceramic vase.
glassybabyhugs Sale price$60.00
humble heart is a light pink glass-blown candle votive with a etched heart on it that is hand-painted.humble heart is a light pink glass-blown candle votive with a etched heart on it that is hand-painted.
glassybabyhumble heart Sale price$90.00
give hand-blown sapphire blue with silver metallic interior, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.three give, hand-blown sapphire blue with silver metallic interior, hand-blown glass votive candle holders on a copper side table in a living room.
glassybabygive Sale price$90.00
cozy, stripey apricot orange hand-blown glass votive candle holder.cozy, stripey apricot orange hand-blown glass votive candle holder with sassy and cozy on a beach towel in front of a body of water.
glassybabycozy Sale price$60.00
hero multi brown hand-blown glass votive candle holderthree hero multi brown hand-blown glass votive candle holders on a wood surface in front of gray and white wallpaper.
glassybabyhero Sale price$60.00
glassybabywicked Sale price$60.00
glassybabyhealing light Sale price$60.00
glassybabyfirework Sale price$90.00
glassybabydoe, a deer Sale price$90.00
glassybabythoughtful Sale price$90.00
glassybabytrue self Sale price$60.00
glassybabyfruitcake Sale price$90.00
glassybabypumpkin Sale price$60.00
glassybabysnuggle Sale price$60.00
glassybabysurvivor Sale price$90.00
emerald is green a hand-blown glass votive candle holder.emerald is green a hand-blown glass votive candle holder on light wood shelf.
glassybabyemerald Sale price$60.00
horoscope purple orange, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.three horoscope purple orange, hand-blown glass votive candle holders on wood table with bookshelf behind.
glassybabyhoroscope Sale price$90.00
#School_Washington-State Washington State, crimson with sandblasted washington state university etching hand painted in silver, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.Washington State, crimson with sandblasted washington state university etching hand painted in silver, hand-blown glass votive candle holder. Paired with everlasting and smile on a white and clear table.
glassybabyWashington State Sale price$90.00
miracle golden pink hand-blown glass votive candle holder.miracle golden pink hand-blown glass votive candle holder on dark table with white curtains in background.
glassybabymiracle Sale price$125.00
glassybabywintergreen Sale price$125.00
cloud nine pink and white swirl hand-blown glass votive candle holdercloud nine pink and white swirl hand-blown glass votive candle holder
glassybabycloud nine Sale price$125.00
heavenly, blue green swirl, hand-blown glass votive candle holderheavenly, blue green swirl, hand-blown glass votive candle holder
glassybabyheavenly Sale price$125.00
glassybabythrough the woods Sale price$90.00
luxury turkish blue hand-blown glass votive candle turkish blue hand-blown glass votive candle holder with muse on a wood tray on leather living room ottoman.
glassybabyluxury Sale price$60.00
glassybabyabove the clouds again Sale price$90.00
boho olive green bubble hand-blown glass votive candle holderboho olive green bubble hand-blown glass votive candle holder with a lit match above to light its tealight.
glassybabyboho Sale price$90.00
wet dog, two toned brown, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.wet dog, two toned brown, hand-blown glass votive candle holder. Paired with cashmere and olive branch on a cream mantle.
glassybabywet dog Sale price$60.00
glassybabyrudolph Sale price$60.00
diamond in the rough, light pink bubble, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.diamond in the rough, light pink bubble, hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a wood bench, with yes and diamond in the rough blurred in background.
glassybabydiamond in the rough Sale price$90.00
glassybabyholy night Sale price$90.00
blessing light blue petal patterned, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.blessing light blue petal patterned, hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a wood surface sitting in natural light.
glassybabyblessing Sale price$90.00
begin again light teal, hand-blown glass votive candle holderbegin again light teal, hand-blown glass votive candle holder sitting in sunlight on wood perch with a body of water and boat blurred in background.
glassybabybegin again Sale price$60.00
princess soft pink hand-blown glass votive candle holderprincess soft pink hand-blown glass votive candle holder, on five well baby stand.
glassybabyprincess Sale price$60.00
wisdom, unique navy bubble pattern, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.wisdom, unique navy bubble pattern, hand-blown glass votive candle holder.
glassybabywisdom Sale price$90.00
glassybabybig sky Sale price$60.00
a beautiful swirling pattern of purple comes to life in every in real life hand-blown glass votive candle holder.a beautiful swirling pattern of purple comes to life in every in real life hand-blown glass votive candle holder.
glassybabyin real life Sale price$125.00
soul iridescent golden white hand-blown glass votive candle holder.soul iridescent golden white hand-blown glass votive candle holder on a table with gem.
glassybabysoul Sale price$90.00
your love, bright pink on white, hand-blown glass votive candle holderyour love bright pink with white hand-blown glass votive candle holder
glassybabyyour love Sale price$90.00
remember soft white hand-blown glass votive candle holderremember soft white hand-blown glass votive candle holder. Paired with dream and cherish.
glassybabyremember Sale price$60.00
unconditional, white with yellow stripe, hand-blown glass votive candle holderunconditional, white with yellow stripe, hand-blown glass votive candle holder. Paired with bff and angel on an outdoor wood table with flowers and a cake tray.
glassybabyunconditional Sale price$60.00
glassybabyred ribbon Sale price$125.00
glassybabybrave Sale price$60.00
glassybabyharvest Sale price$60.00
glassybabycreme brulee Sale price$60.00
delivery van with bow on top


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