money can buy many good things. a jet ski, a hundred candles.
but crucial things only a long time and dedication can acquire:
deep strong roots, true, sincere kindness — love beyond price,
which feels better than a million bucks.
this set includes a million bucks, roots and kindness.
The glassybaby foundation receives a donation from each glassybaby purchase to provide hope and healing. Learn More
The Perfect Gift for...
People give this glassybaby for the following occasions, feelings and relationships:

accessorize your glassybaby

Making the Baby
Every glassybaby is born in a dance of heat and light, with a team of skilled glassblowers collaborating with focus and love.

Every glassybaby Gives
When you give a glassybaby, you give more than beautiful color and light. You give hope and healing, for people, animals, and the planet.